
ISPRS Special Session in ACRS 2017

 國立成功大學林昭宏老師與王驥魁老師在ISPRS Technical Commission V底下成立一個新的Working Group (ISPRS WG V/8),工作小組以"開源程式,開放世界"為理念,推廣空間資訊開源程式與開放資料,此小組在ACRS2017舉辦一個Special Session,各位會員如有「地理資訊系統」、「聯網」、「資料科學與大數據分析」、「攝影測量及遙感探測」、、空載光達及地面雷射掃描系統」、「衛星導航及定位」、「無人載具及移動測繪系統」等空間資訊相關議題之開源程式與開放資料,或使用開源程式完成之系統與專案,歡迎投稿、共襄盛舉。




ISPRS WG V/8 Special Session in ACRS 2017

Open Source Open World

October 23-27, 2017

New Delhi, India



About ACRS 2017 

The 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2017) will take place during October 23-27, 2017, New Delhi, India. ACRS 2017 will represent a major event in the long series of successful ACRS conferences. The main theme of the conference is Space Applications: Touching Human Lives. ACRS 2017 will bring together students, researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, professionals and practitioners from developed and developing countries from and around Asia to share insights into the challenges and opportunities of Remote Sensing and related geospatial technologies in building resiliency and encouraging inclusive economic growth in one, dynamic Asia. It also aims to be a platform for international engagement to ensure that knowledge is generated in partnership with society.


About ISPRS WG V/8
ISPRS Working Group V/8 aims to promote open source and the development of free software on geospatial technologies, mainly in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS. To facilitate this, the WG organizes joint sessions, tutorials and webinars to promote and exchange the experiences of open source development. The WG will collaborate closely with OSGeo and other ISPRS working groups, and will cooperate with other local and international groups to promote and contribute to open source. The promotion of open source can provide us free software and make accessible the latest geospatial technologies to the wider ISPRS community.


Call for Abstracts

We invite you to submit an abstract to share your open source, free software/system, and knowledge to the special sessioncovering the following topics:


Ø Open Sources on Geospatial Technology (Emerging technologies that have an impact on future geospatial development)

           -- Internet of things

           -- Big data

-- Drones

-- Machine learning

-- Photogrammetry and remote sensing

-- Geographic information science

-- Airborne/Terrestrial LiDAR


Ø  Applications using Open Sources (How free geospatial tools/software are used within the sciences and engineering)
          -- Remote sensing and environment

          -- Agriculture and forestry

          -- Natural hazards mitigation and management

          -- Public health

          -- Data science


Ø  Education (How free geospatial tools/software are used and taught in academic courses)
          -- Active learning models

          -- Cross-border education through web-resources sharing

          -- Tools development for training and outreach


Abstract Submission

Abstract must be submitted online through the abstract submission system at www.acrs2017.orgSelect the topics (6) Education and Outreach or (7) Others for ISPRS special sessions.


Important Dates

July 1, 2017       :Abstract Submission Deadline

July 31, 2017     :Abstract Paper Acceptance

Aug 31, 2017     :Discounted Registration

Sept 10, 2017    :Full Paper Submission

Oct 23-27, 2017 : Conference


ISPRS WG V/8 Contact Information

Chair: Dr. Chao-Hung Lin (林昭宏)

Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

 +886-6-2757575 ext. 63836

*  linhung@mail.ncku.edu.tw


Secretary: Dr. Chi-Kuei Wang (王驥魁)

Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

 +881-6-2757575 ext. 63725

*  chikuei@mail.ncku.edu.tw

最後修改時間:2017-06-08 PM 3:51

« April 2017»
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